David K. Abe received a BS in engineering from Harvey Mudd College (1981), an MS in electrical engineering from the University of California, Davis (1988), and a PhD in electrophysics from the University of Maryland (1992).
He joined the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in 1996 where was the acting head of the Vacuum Electronics Branch. In that role, he has been directing the development of vacuum electronic devices for the genera-tion of coherent electromagnetic radiation as well as experimental and theoretical research in electron beam physics. In 2020 he joined Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, USA. His own research interests include linear beam, slow-wave devices and components for applications ranging from the microwave to sub-millimeter-wave frequency regimes, multiple-beam devices, and the electromagnetic proper-ties of materials.
Prior to NRL, Dr. Abe worked on interdisciplinary projects in pulsed power, high power micro-wave generation, and electromagnetic effects at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Berkeley Research Associates, and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
He has been an active member of the IEEE community for over 20 years, serving in various capacities as a session organizer and on the technical program committees of nu-merous conferences, as a reviewer for Transactions on Plasma Science and Transactions on Electron Devices, and as a guest editor of the Transactions on Plasma Science Tenth Special Issue on High Power Microwave Generation. He has previously served as an elected member of the NPSS Administrative Committee (AdCom) and is currently a member of the NPSS PSAC Executive Committee (ExCom).