Dr. Dev Palmer received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Duke University, Durham, NC, in 1991.
He is Program Manager for high-speed electronics at the DARPA Microsystems Technology Office, Arlington, VA, where he directs a portfolio of research and development programs on submillimeter wave and terahertz solid-state and vacuum electronics, driving innovation in next generation DoD systems for radio communications, sensing, and electronic warfare. Before joining DARPA, he was the Program Manager for electromagnetics, microwaves, and power at the US Army Research Office. His success in guiding research and technology transition led to his selection for the US Army Research Laboratory Award for Program Management in 2010, the US Army Superior Civilian Service Medal in 2011, and the Secretary of Defense Award for Excellence in 2013.
Dr. Palmer is an IEEE Fellow and author on forty articles in refereed journals, conference records, and commercial magazines; two books and two book chapters; and fifty conference presentations including twenty-five invited talks. He is inventor on four patents, holds an Amateur Extra class radio operators license, and is a registered Professional Engineer. He is a Member-at-Large of the United States National Committee for The International Union of Radio Science, a committee under the National Academies, and a member of the Association of Old Crows, the Materials Research Society, Sigma Xi.
Prior to his current term, he served on the IEEE EDS Vacuum Devices Technical Committee from 1997 to 2003, was Steering Committee member and Publications Chair for the inaugural IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference in 2000, and Guest Editor for the January 2001 and 2014 T-ED Special Issues on Vacuum Electronics. He received the IEEE Region 3 Outstanding Service Award in 2013.