Marinella Aloisio | European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands |
Ernst Bosch | Thales Electron Devices, Germany |
George Caryotakis | Stanford Linear Accelera‐ tor Center, USA |
Richard Carter | Lancaster University, UK |
Yaogen Ding | Institute for Electronics, CAS, China |
Thomas Grant | Communications & Power Industries, LLC, USA |
Takao Kageyama | Kitakyushu Foundation for Adv. Ind. Sci. & Tech., Japan |
Carol L. Kory | Teraphysics, USA |
Dev Palmer | Lockheed Martin, Advanced Technology Laboratory, USA |
Gun-Sik Park | Seoul National University, Korea |
John Rodgers | Naval Research Laboratory,USA |
Nikita M. Ryskin | Saratov State University, Russia |
Heather Song | University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA |
Armand Staprans | Communications & Power Industries LLC, USA |
Philippe Thouvenin | Thales, France |
David R. Whaley | L-3 Communications, Electron Devices Division, USA |