Vacuum Electronics Devices can be classified or by their working physical phenomena:
Fast Wave or Slow wave, or their function:
Amplifier or Oscillators.
Navigate on the categories to discover the corresponding Vacuum Devices.
Selected websites are chosen to provide the main information’s.
- Free Electron laser
- Gyro Devices
- Magnicon
- Backward Wave Oscillators
- Extended Interaction Oscillator
- Free Electron Laser
- Gyrotron
- Gyro BWO
- Magnetron
- Coupled Cavity TWT
- Cross Field Amplifier
- Extended Interaction Klystron
- Free Electron laser
- Gyro Twystron
- Helix TWT
- Inductive Output Tube
- Gyro Klystron
- Gyro TWT
- Gridded Tubes
- Klystron
- Magnicon
- Backward Wave Oscillators
- Coupled Cavity TWT
- Cross Field Amplifier
- Extended Interaction Klystron
- Extended Interaction Oscillator
- Gridded Tubes
- Helix TWT
- Klystron
- Inductive Output Tube
- Magnetron