Rodolphe MARCHESIN was born in France in 1974. He received the Engineering Degree in Applied Physics from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA, France) and a master’s degree in Nanophysics in 2000. He joined then the corporate research laboratory of Thales technology (TRT) to work on thin magnetic layer structures in Dr. A.Fert group (Nobel Prize in 2007).
In September 2000, he moved to Thales Electron Devices in Vélizy, near Paris, to join the Science R&D Group. His experiences in vacuum tubes cover domains from photocathodes for photomultiplier to high power oscillators and amplifiers for defense, medical and scientific applications. He has designed several klystrons and multi beam devices for particle accelerators.
In 2011 he became group leader for the high-power tubes used for scientific applications. During this period, he has been involved in several European programs and also in networks on numerical simulations of electron beams as well as on beam diagnostics and high efficiency interaction technics for klystron. His responsibilities include management of the tube design definition from development phases to final product qualification in customer premises.
He has co-authored several papers on vacuum electron tube developments in refereed journals and conferences including IEEE Journal papers. Six patent applications have been filled based on his work on vacuum tube devices. He has guided two PhD students and many undergraduate students in the high-power tubes technology field area.
Since 2015 he has been the Head of the Vacuum Tube Design & Test Department in THALES Microwave & Imaging Sub-System. .