Yubin Gong Graduated from Changchun University of Science and Technology in 1989, got his bachelor degree in applied optics. Then, he entered to University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) to study continuously, and got his master and Ph.D degrees of physical electronics in 1992 and 1998, respectively. He was ever a visiting scholar in City University of Hong Kong from July of 1997 to August of 1998. And now he is the Yangzi scholarship distinguished professor in the major of physical electronics in UESTC. In the past 30 years, Prof. Gong devoted himself to the scientific research a9d teaching in the field of vacuum electronics and other related areas. He focused his main research interests on millimeter wave and terahertz electronics, high power microwave technology, plasma electronics, electromagnetic biological effects and so on. He was the authors and coauthors of more than 200 referenced journal papers and conference papers in the field of microwave, milimeter wave and THz vacuum devices. Prof. Gong won 8 science and technology awards due to his contributions in the field of vacuum electronics and he is also the winner of the national natural science foundation of china for the distinguished young scientists. In addition to the scientific research, Prof. Gong also gives lectures to under- and post-graduate students on five subjects of microwave elecrtronics, electromagnetic field and waves, relativistic electrodynamics, principle and application of the accelerators, principle and application of electromagnetic radiation of the charged particles.