Armand Staprans, born in Riga, Latvia, came to the United States in 1947. He obtained his B.S., M.S., and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1954, 1955, and 1959 at the University of California, Berkeley, specializing in microwave vacuum devices. This work centered on focusing of sheet beams in linear crossed field devices, space charge waves in periodic electron beams, and fast wave interaction.
He subsequently worked in a number of technical and management positions at Varian, Palo Alto, CA. This work included very high power klystrons, hybrid Twystron amplifiers, high voltage breakdown, and coupled cavity traveling wave tubes.
In the 1980’s he served as Chief Engineer for the Palo Alto Tube Division, and subsequently as General Manager of two of Varian’s microwave tube divisions. In 1995, he became president of the Microwave Power Products Division at Communications & Power Industries, in Palo Alto.
He is now a consultant in microwave electronics and management issues.
Dr. Staprans has served on the IEEE/EDS Administrative Committee, and is a Fellow of IEEE.
Ivec Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics 2002
For a Lifetime of Outstanding Accomplishment and Leadership in the Field of Vacuum Electronics.