Chair’s Corner
Chair’s Corner
On behalf of the IEEE Electron Device Society Vacuum Electronics Technical Committee, I would like to welcome you to the website.
From the emergence of the first vacuum electron devices more than a century ago, the technology has stood alone for its unparalleled ability to provide high power in the microwave, millimeter wave, and even THz frequency regimes. Vacuum electronics remains a dynamic and exciting multidisciplinary field and continues to attract many talented and ambitious young people, which promises a bright future for the technology as it evolves.
The goals of the website include raising public interest and awareness in the discipline, as well as serving as a repository of news and information for scientists and engineers working in the field. The website includes updates on our official yearly conference, the International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), as well as information about awards for community members and journals of the IEEE Electron Device Society.
I would like to invite and encourage all colleagues to contribute to the site with blogs, tutorials, photographs, and news so that can remain informative and relevant.
Finally, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Prof. Claudio Paoloni, the most recent past Chair of the IEEE EDS Vacuum Electronics Technical Committee, for his outstanding leadership and his many contributions. I would also like to thank all the past Chairs for their work, which has been so important and helpful to me and to the entire vacuum electronics community.
Monica Blank
Chair of the IEEE EDS Vacuum Electronics Technical Committee